Phone: (604) 533-8660
Covid-19 Update: As of May 2020, appointments are available for in person or telemedicine visits through phone or video.
A Covid screen will be emailed to you prior to your in person appointment. Please reply to this email before entering the clinic.
If you experience any new cold/flu like symptoms, please do not enter the clinic. Your appointment can be rescheduled or completed via telemedicine.
Contact Us
#100 - 6424 200th Street
Langley, B.C.
Phone: 604-533-8660
​Email: info@drjacks.ca
Clinic Hours
"Health By Choice"
Let us show you how Naturopathic Medicine can help you:
The term "Naturopathic Medicine" refers to a distinct system of primary healthcare that uses natural methods and substances to support and stimulate the body's inherent self-healing process.
Naturopathic medicine is founded on the most time tested principle Vis Medicatrix Naturae ~ The Healing Power of Nature.
The Naturopathic doctor views the individual as an integral whole where symptoms of disease are seen as warning signals of improper functioning of the body and unfavorable lifestyle habits. The primary goal is to treat the underlying cause of the disease.
Naturopathic doctors can also complement and enhance health care services provided by other health care professionals. They provide patients with a truly integrative form of health care
Monday: 9 am to 1 pm
Wednesday 9am to 6 pm
Thursday: 9 am to 1 pm
Saturday: 9 am to 2 pm
Monday to Friday - The office is closed for lunch between 1:00 to 2:00