Phone: (604) 533-8660
Many blood tests can be ordered through Lifelabs. There are set fees for each test and requisitions will be given during your office visit.
-all bloodwork can be ordered
-includes panels such as:
Autoimmune assessment
Fatigue assessment
Female hormone assessment
Female fertility assessment
Metabolic assessment
Thyroid assessment
Food Sensitivity Tests
120 foods panel: $250 plus GST
160 food vegetarian panel: $300 plus GST
200 foods panel: $380 plus GST
Comprehensive Hormone Urine Test
A complete view of the inter-relationship of your hormones.
Fatigue, sleep disturbances, stress, anxiety, low libido, weight gain or fertility issues? These may be symptoms of hormone imbalance.
Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis
Overall assessment of the gastrointestinal system
This stool analysis evaluates:
Digestion/Absorption Markers
Gut Metabolic Markers
Gut Microbiology Marker